ABA 509s and Logic Games Worlds (Ep. 110)
Episode 110 is all about how to access and easily understand ABA 509 reports, AKA “the-one-thing-you-should-be-legally-required-to-read-before-going-to-law-school” report. Plus, the guys give some expert advice on Logic Games, walking you through how and when to create “worlds.” It’s exactly the type of score-changing info you’d get from Nathan’s free online LSAT prep class, or Ben’s free online prep class. But first, Ben and Nathan discuss Ben’s latest purchase, and jump into vanity-plate minutiae of the Del-Mar-Va peninsula.
06:01 – OK listeners. You’ve heard the guys talk about them before. You know they’re important. But it’s entirely possible that you haven’t actually typed the search term into Google yet. Well today’s the day! Nathan and Ben do a deep dive into ABA 509 reports. The ABA 509 report is a disclosure form that ABA-accredited law schools are required to publish. They give you a TON of data about a given law school, from scholarship stats to bar passage rates and much, much more. The guys do a complete breakdown of the Georgetown 2016 ABA 509 report from top to bottom. Tune in to find out where to access ABA 509 reports, and learn how to read them line by information-rich line.
48:16 – Let’s face it. The Logic Games are pretty fun, but they can be a lot of work. Some games require creating a diagram and taking notes for each question, which can be super time consuming. Happily we’ve got some good news for you. There’s a potentially potent and time-saving technique you’ve probably heard the guys talk about. It’s called creating “worlds.” And the guys discuss exactly when and how they create worlds for the games to give themselves the tools to answer multiple questions from a single setup.
Don’t forget to do Ben’s free LSAT lesson and Nathan’s free online LSAT course. What are you waiting for? If you like those, you can also try Ben’s 100-Hour Online LSAT Course and Nathan’s Fox LSAT On Demand.
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