Making the Most of Law School, with Alison Monahan (Ep. 370)
Ben and Nathan are joined by special guest Alison Monahan, cofounder of Law School Toolbox. They discuss law school and bar exam prep, the law school–big law pipeline, and the current legal job market. Also on the show, the guys talk tactics for scholarship conversations, consider the value of learning to speed-read, and review a strategy for answering Flaw questions.
1:29 - Alison Monahan
Alison Monahan founded the Law School Toolbox and The Girl’s Guide to Law School. She joins Ben and Nathan for a discussion about test prep and making the most of law school.
37:18 - Drilling Leaderboard
Nathan and Ben check the LSAT Demon drilling accuracy leaderboard.
38:06 - Dean Z Revisited
The guys revisit Dean Z’s recent video on financial aid and respond to her advice about scholarship negotiations.
50:28 - Universities Are Businesses
Ben and Nathan discuss a Slate article about the growing share of out-of-state students at public universities.
58:25 - Speed-Reading
An anonymous Demon student considers learning to speed-read. Nathan and Ben warn listeners not to forget what’s really important: understanding.
1:06:20 - Pass/Fail Courses
Demon student Julia wonders whether she should enroll pass/fail in a difficult course to protect her GPA. Ben and Nathan advise.
1:10:58 - Retaking LSAT Writing
An anonymous listener asks whether to retake the LSAT Writing section after making some spelling errors on their first attempt. Ben asks: What would a lawyer do?
1:13:37 - Success Story
LSAT Demon student Rachael shares her recent study successes.
1:15:48 - Pearls vs. Turds
Listener Daisy praises Demon teacher Lily for her helpful approach to Flaw questions in Logical Reasoning.
1:18:07 - GI Bill Benefits
According to listener Chris, GI Bill benefits no longer expire for those discharged after 2013.
1:19:38 - Requesting LORs
Ben and Nathan advise listener Melissa on requesting a letter of recommendation from a lawyer she works with.
1:22:49 - Apply Next Cycle
Listener Joshua plans to study for the January LSAT over Christmas break. Nathan and Ben suggest that he rethink his approach and apply next cycle.
1:27:00 - Personal Statement Help
Student Chris thanks LSAT Demon’s Leslie for her personal-statement editing services.
1:29:26 - Negotiating Scholarships
The guys discuss why scholarship negotiations aren’t going away any time soon.
1:42:49 - Dual Degrees and Public vs. Private
Demon student Amrit inquires about dual JD programs and the benefits of public versus private schools.