Is LR the New LG? (Ep. 494)

Ben Olson's headshot.
Nathan Fox's headshot.

Nathan and Ben weigh in on the reports from some test-takers that the February LSAT featured more LG-style questions in Logical Reasoning. The guys also advise listeners on how to bounce back from a disappointing LSAT score. They caution applicants not to overshare in their law school applications. And they consider the importance of the LSAT Writing sample.

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0:52 - New LSAT Dates

LSAC just announced test dates for the 2025–2026 LSAT cycle.

2:37 - January LSAT Scores

As January test-takers navigate the highs and lows of score release, Ben and Nathan encourage anyone who was disappointed with their score to keep studying and to treat their next official test like any other practice test.

13:33 - Is LR the New LG?

Some February test-takers have reported an increase in Logical Reasoning questions that “require” diagramming. Nathan and Ben suspect that these claims are more fiction than fact. You don’t need to diagram in LR.

28:30 - Oversharing on Applications

The guys share some common red flags in law school applications that people unwittingly raise by oversharing.

39:25 - Process of Elimination

Ben and Nathan explain when it’s okay to pick an answer via process of elimination.

42:55 - LSAT Writing

How important is LSAT Writing? Nathan and Ben discuss how law schools might consider—or ignore—these writing samples.

46:59 - Word of the Week

Bad LSAT prep stultifies students’ progress.